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YAPC::EU 2006: Birmingham

YAPC::EU 2006: Birmingham

unique bottle opener
This rather unique bottle opener was in Chris's room at the hotel, I hate to think what he was supposed to use to dry his hair!

shower danger
This sign was in a smoking room! So it was okay to smoke a cigarette, or a cigar or a puipe but don't leave the door open as it set the fire alarms off.

BOAF Session
Matt giving a Birds of a Feather session in the upstairs rooms.

Rose amongst thorns
A rose amongst thorns (just don't mention what OS you're using), Shadowcat's sometime staff member proves that she is the centre of attention in every room.

YAPC Staff
The YAPC staff were always hard at work, never still for a single moment.

Matt's Talk
Matt's third talk was all about benevolent dictatorship, also known as how to volunteer your mailing list and committers into action.

Matt with Beer
Ah a grateful beer and the normally abstainate (*ahem*) MST settles into comfortable beery chat mode.

Jess and James
I spy with my little eye a Shadowcat groupie. Jess sporting a SC t-shirt.

SC stand
MDK entertains on the SC stand on the last day of the conference. (And it appears that he is wearing the worlds largest ident badge on his lanyard.)

MDK being sensible!
Further entertainment, or is it lunacy?

Okay, it's lunacy...