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Services: Architecture

To discuss your specific requirements in detail or get a quote, contact us by e-mail today

Project breakdown and design

At the start of a project, we can help you take a requirements list and break it down into business and implementation domains in order to make your project more manageable. As things progress, we can help advise on architecture and design in detailed, applying modeling, design patterns and other development best practices to the situations we encounter in order to ensure your project is productive and successful

Repository and release management process

In order to provide repeatable, reliable releases it is necessary to not only have a process for managing releases but to ensure your source control management and development procedures are organised around the targets for each release; our extensive experience managing repositories for clients and for Catalyst and other production quality open source projects mean we can help you get the most out of your repository and developer time.

Deployment automation

As your deployments grow in number and scale, full automation with the ability to easily roll back to a previous version if problems are encountered is essential to providing reliable services. Our cross-disciplinary team allows us to understand the issues from systems, development and operations points of view and help you develop a system that improves things across all aspects of your service provisioning.