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Server Configuration and Management

Development or production platforms, Red Hat, Debian, Solaris or BSD, we can help your systems support your business better

If you need anything from a single server to host your website or to run a development project up to a full redundant production platform, Shadowcat can set up and configure the system for you. We can:

  • Create a specifications list of your minimum/desired requirements;
  • Purchase the equipment on your behalf or suggest alternatives for hiring, loan, colocated or virtual servers;
  • Manage the installation or colocation of hardware in a Shadowcat approved data centre, or work with your chosen colo or data centre;
  • Fully install and configure the server operating environment (non-windows based), including the creation of custom scripts and distribution builds (Linux);
  • Install and configure all the necessary programs to enable your system to fit the required need.

Once configured Shadowcat will work with you over the first few weeks to tweak the system and its settings as it 'runs in', finalising and tweaking performance, to ensure smooth integration into your operational environment.


Once your server is installed and configured to your specification or the requirement of your needs you can elect to manage the system yourself. Management of the server is offered by Shadowcat Systems and comes in a range of options to suit your needs.

  • Reserve hours each month for emergency management issues or regular maintenance/updates;
  • Contract for management of a regular "Server Health Check" to modify scripts or update installs/configurations;
  • Crisis management or emergency cover in case of software/harware failures;
  • Fully maintained 24/7 managed support with: "first level" on-site support supplied in conjunction with an approved data centre; remote management and systems control from Shadowcat Systems;

Shadowcat Systems maintains its own development servers and hosts sites on its servers for development projects and open source projects.