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Security and Legislation

Security and Legislation

Almost every business that trades will use electronic means at some point. At the very lowest level there are the applications that run on mobile smart devices through to accounting and communication software on laptops and desktops. At some point businesses will interact with a variety of data and security concerns and understanding their approach to that is important.

There are some very important questions that you should already be asking yourself:

  • Do you know how your systems are secured?
  • Do you have good processes for accessing the systems?
  • Do you follow the changing best practices for securing your data and systems?
  • Do you know what those practices are?

It seems that every day there is another story about data breaches and security concerns; about increasing numbers of targetted assaults or rogue software. Having a strategy to deal with this may be out of the reach of many organisations. Navigating the myraid of solutions may seem like a monumental task that will be impossible to complete. At the same time you need to act to make sure you are compliant with lesiglation to ensure your business processes are acceptable and affordable.

Shadowcat Systems has many years of experience in dealing with access and storing of data. We write about changes in data rules and about security and we can help your organisation move towards a better data and security strategy. We can help you to do a strategic analysis of your organisation and identify the steps you need to take to mitigate risk and observe legislative requirements.

Shadowcat doesn't offer a single-solution or claim to make you and percentage compliant with legislation. This isn't about insuring you against risk but evolving your organisation to observe best practice which should make you compliant with legislation.

We believe companies are individual and that our best role is to help them implement a solution that matches their business. This takes into consideration your employees, practices, implementation and cost.

We don't offer a catch all solution that will often catch nothing.

Talk to us today and learn how you can move towards being responsible and more secure in this challenging environment.

Banner linking to GDPR site for Shadowcat to help you start your GDPR journey
Security Pages image


All the current blog posts about security from the SC Team

Have I Been Pwned: Mark discusses a simple way to check if your usernames or passwords are on breach lists.

Visit Pwned

Data Location: Mark discusses where to store your data

Visit Data Location

Passwords: Mark gives some advice about good password management

Visit Passwords

Why PGP: Tom Bloor discusses the reasons for having and using PGP

Visit Why PGP

Windows PGP: Tom Bloor discusses using and implementing PGP on Windows Machines

Visit Win PGP