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Shadowcat Sponsors CodeUp Lancaster

Regular visitors to the Shadowcat site, and those that know us well, will be familiar with our passion for community and for outreach into broader society. It will come as no surprise then that we are glad to announce that we have sponsored the CodeUp Lancaster initiative for the next year.

The Fact is that we love facts

Dog Day Afternoons

Getting started with the GDPR

Next week, Friday 13th April, Mark Keating will be hosting a workshop aimed at getting people started on the route to GDPR compliance. Mark has spent a number of months studying the GDPR and talking about it with local people. We at Shadowcat believe that businesses need to take an individual approach to their compliance, for many it will be a lighter task but every business should take the opportunity to assess and adjust.

Hopi Bofdi mst

Dynamic in the Burgh

April sees the annual FLOSSUK Spring Conference (normally associated with Dev-Ops and system administration but more an open technology and open rights event) and as usual Shadowcatters will be in attendance. This year it is in the glorious Capital City of Edinburgh at the Dynamic Earth near to Holyrood.

In Praise of Rabbie

Each January 25th there is the celebration known as Burns’ Night where many people attend a Burns’ Supper. This celebration is a praise and homage to Scotland’s most famous poet.

The Usual Long Weekend in Brussels

It's that time of year where the wind is still bitingly cold from the Arctic that the Shadowcatters decamp and head to FOSDEM. Once again the Shadowcat crew will be making there way down, across, back up a bit to Brussels for the event. This is the 4th year in succession that the SC team have attended.

A Celebration of Donald Knuth

Today is the anniversary of the birth of Donald Knuth. If you work in technology, mathematics or any of the sciences then you are likely to either know him or be using things that he created.

Welcoming More Students

This year at Shadowcat seems to be continuing the theme concerning students. As mentioned in a previous news last year item we will have two more MSc students working on a project placement from Lancaster University in the office until April.