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News Archives

Shadowcat News Archive.

News in reverse publication order

Shadowcat Sponsors CodeUp Lancaster

Regular visitors to the Shadowcat site, and those that know us well, will be familiar with our passion for community and for outreach into broader society. It will come as no surprise then that we are glad to announce that we have sponsored the CodeUp Lancaster initiative for the next year.

March 2019 News Archive

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The Fact is that we love facts

January 2019 News Archive

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Dog Day Afternoons

June 2018 News Archive

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Getting started with the GDPR

Next week, Friday 13th April, Mark Keating will be hosting a workshop aimed at getting people started on the route to GDPR compliance. Mark has spent a number of months studying the GDPR and talking about it with local people. We at Shadowcat believe that businesses need to take an individual approach to their compliance, for many it will be a lighter task but every business should take the opportunity to assess and adjust.

April 2018 News Archive

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Hopi Bofdi mst

Dynamic in the Burgh

April sees the annual FLOSSUK Spring Conference (normally associated with Dev-Ops and system administration but more an open technology and open rights event) and as usual Shadowcatters will be in attendance. This year it is in the glorious Capital City of Edinburgh at the Dynamic Earth near to Holyrood.

March 2018 News Archive

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In Praise of Rabbie

Each January 25th there is the celebration known as Burns’ Night where many people attend a Burns’ Supper. This celebration is a praise and homage to Scotland’s most famous poet.

The Usual Long Weekend in Brussels

It's that time of year where the wind is still bitingly cold from the Arctic that the Shadowcatters decamp and head to FOSDEM. Once again the Shadowcat crew will be making there way down, across, back up a bit to Brussels for the event. This is the 4th year in succession that the SC team have attended.

A Celebration of Donald Knuth

Today is the anniversary of the birth of Donald Knuth. If you work in technology, mathematics or any of the sciences then you are likely to either know him or be using things that he created.

Welcoming More Students

This year at Shadowcat seems to be continuing the theme concerning students. As mentioned in a previous news last year item we will have two more MSc students working on a project placement from Lancaster University in the office until April.

January 2018 News Archive

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Sharing the Festive Spirit

This year we are taking a new step at Shadowcat for the festive period. Inspired by an article posted from Morecambe foodbank in the Lancaster and Morecambe Makers social channels by good friend to Shadowcat, Kay, we will be making a food donation from both the staff and the company to the holiday collection.

On Behalf of the Industry

This week Mark Keating will be at the Lancaster University InfoLab on two occasions for two different events. The first is the inaugural meeting of the Lancaster University Industry Advisory Board for Computer Science degrees of which he is a member.

Not The Organiser!

keywords: The Shadowcat Crew will once again be attending and speaking at the London Perl Workshop later this month and for the first time in over a decade they will not be the organisers. The event, held at the University of Westminster’s Cavendish Campus on Saturday 25th November, is the first time since 2007 that Mark Keating will be attending and not be the chief organiser.

Shadowcat and the Local Economy

For the past few years Shadowcat have been proud members of the Lancaster Ethical Small Traders Association and the broader community. For a lot of that time we have also been involved with the Small Green Consultancy, and later Pear Trading as they delved into how the local economy works.

Live Free and Die Node[1]

Lightning Talkers

The Lightning Talks on Day Two of the Perl Conference in Amsterdam during the week of 7th-11th August had a distinctly Shadowcat feel about them.

Supporting the Community

Four Go Mad in Dam

August 2017 News Archive

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September 2017 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Worse than Sugar or Trump he has Keating and Trout

Three Go Mad at YAPC

As the subtitle suggests this post should be chocked full of whizzer, spiffing, what-ho and golly-gosh, as three of the Shadowcat team will be whizzing along to Amsterdam

Three Go Mad at YAPC

As the subtitle suggests this post should be chocked full of whizzer, spiffing, what-ho and golly-gosh, as three of the Shadowcat team will be whizzing along to Amsterdam

Matt in America

It is that time of year again when we have a few months of major Perl conferences and events across the globe. One of these is the Perl Conference (US) which is also sometimes referred to as YAPC::NA.

Shadowcat Systems Staff at Barcamp Birmingham

It is a pleasure to announce that once again Shadowcat will be attending at this year’s FLOSSUK Birmingham BarCamp, at the Studio on this Saturday, 10th June from 09:00-17:00. Shadowcat’s own [Mark Keating][mdk] and [Tom Bloor][tb] will be attending.

June 2017 News Archive

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June 2017 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

The Turn of MDK

In the last news post about the FLOSSUK Spring Conference which is held next week at thestudio in Manchester and MadLab in Manchester we mentioned there was more news to come. This is that news.

Mark and Tom to Mentor

This week sees the annual Student Hack at Media City in Manchester in conjunction with the University of Manchester and local Tech Companies.

March 2017 News Archive

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Two Staff Members to Present Talks

It is always a pleasure to announce Shadowcat Staff attending and presenting at conferences and even more so when it is more than one member.* At this year’s FLOSSUK Spring ‘DevOps’ Conference, in Manchester during March, Shadowcat’s own Matt S. Trout and Tom Bloor will be giving talks.

Wind Passes Through the Brass Instrument

February 2017 News Archive

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Welcoming More Students

Local Loop Gets A Boost

Another Long Weekend in Brussels

January 2017 News Archive

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Being Part of the Digital North West

This year a new initiative between local technical companies and local government was created in the North West called Digital Lancashire. The aim was for an open forum to promote Lancashire's growing digital presence and to help support and promote it.

mdk is the new FLOSSUK Chairperson

The FLOSSUK recently underwent its annual general meeting, at this event the board accepts and changes as determined by its charter. This year Gavin Atkinson stood for re-election, Ian Norton was recognised as resigned, and Kimball Johnson finished his second 3 year term as Chairman to the Board.

Matt S. Trout To Attend An Anniversary Event

In an anniversary event of his first Workshop appearance 4 years ago Shadowcat's very own mst will be returning to Romania in November 2016. Matt has barely got home from the amazing YAPC Europe hosted by the Romanian Mongers before yo-yoing back for a second appearance this year.

November 2016 News Archive

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September 2016 News Archive

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Cluj Bound

August sees the annual premier European Perl Event (known as YAPC::EU::2016) in Cluj, Romania, between 22nd-26th. Once again Shadowcat Systems will be in attendance and present talks.

August 2016 News Archive

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Our MD Levels Up His 3rd Life

We’re late to report the news that you might have seen on Social Media but at least we hit the right level of whimsy as we proudly announce that Mark Keating and Kathryn Leigh Keating had a 3rd baby boy in May. Welcome to the world, Asher William Keating.

May 2016 News Archive

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Matt S Trout attends the [QA Hackathon][qa]

The Perl Quality Assurance Hackathon will be held in Rugby from Thursday-Sunday this week and Shadowcat’s Matt S. Trout will be one of the attendees.

Writing for the Local Guardian

Our Managing Director has an article in the local paper this week where he will be discussing the 3D revolution. He is guest appearing on Jane Binnion’s regular weekly technical column.

April 2016 News Archive

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March 2016 News Archive

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Shadowcat at DevOps Spring

Team Shadowcat in the shape of Mark Keating, Matt S. Trout and Tom Bloor will once again attend the FLOSSUK Spring Conference from 15-17th March 2016.

February 2016 News Archive

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A Weekend in Brussels

January 2016 News Archive

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Farewell Mr Norton

One year ends and another comes rushing in to replace it and here at Shadowcat we wave a sad fare the well to our General Manager. Ian will be leaving us in early january 2016 after three years in the Shadowcat fold, he goes with a tear and a hope that he will find some new challenges to conquer.

United Kingdom Perl Workshop

December 2015 News Archive

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Principal Open Systems Conference

Shadowcat will once again be involved in the FLOSSUK Spring Conference with both Mark keating and Ian Norton on the FLOSSUK Council and members of the organising team. Mark has been busy working with Kimball Johnson, and other Council members, on the Call for Papers, media and websites.

October 2015 News Archive

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OpenNMS User Conference Europe 2015

The schedule for the OpenNMS User Conference (OUCE) has recently been announced and it contains the information of the talks being presented by Shadowcat staff, Mark, Ian and Tom.

We are off to Granada[1]

We Sponsored Another Book

For several months our Managing Director, Mark Keating, has been helping local business guru and author, Jane Binnion, to complete her latest book The Heart of Sales.

August 2015 News Archive

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Yassou Erry, you will be missed

The SC Team will be on hand again

Once again the Shadowcat team, headed by our own Mark Keating, will be organising the [London Perl Workshop][lpw] in 2015. This will be the 9th time that Mark has been the principal organiser on the event.

July 2015 News Archive

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Matt S. Trout to talk at YAPC::NA

This year's YAPC::NA (Yet Another Perl Conference North America) will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah between 8-10 June 2015. The conference will be held at the Little America Hotel and once again Shadowcat Systems will be represented by Matt S. Trout.

May 2015 News Archive

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ShadowNMS and Lancashire Business Expo 2015

This Friday will see the first Lancashire Business Expo (2015) to be held at the Guild Hall in Preston. the event will showcase over 200 hundred exhibitors and is expected to be attended by up to 5,000 guests. Shadowcat Systems will be there to show off the exciting ShadowNMS.

April 2015 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

FLOSSUK Spring Conference

In just under three weeks time there will be the FLOSSUK Spring Conference: DevOps held in York and once again it will be heartily attended by the Shadowcat Team.

March 2015 News Archive

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A Few Reasons on Why you -Must- Attend

Errietta succumbs to the Jack Knight' Pen

Tom gets the Knight Treatment

Next in line in the increasingly inaccurately named[1] series of images that have been created for Shadowcat Systems by the wonderfully talented Jack Knight of Knight Time Creations is our own dear Tom.

February 2015 News Archive

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Because he isn't busy enough...

Shadowcat's Managing Director, Mark Keating, was recently voted onto the council for FLOSS UK. Mark has been involved with FLOSS for some time and has even presented at FLOSS conferences including Spring 2014 and the upcoming Spring 2015 events.

Sprouting up in Brussels[0]

[FOSDEM][fos] is only a couple of weeks away,[1] and for the first time in their history the Shadowcat team will be making an appearance.[2]

January 2015 News Archive

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October 2014 News Archive

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Hitting both GSoC and Mozfest

This weekend the youngest and the (near) oldest of Shadowcatters will be attending, and [presenting][pros], at two very different community events on either side of the Atlantic pond.

Our Newest Staffer is Presenting in London in October

Errietta Kostala, Shadowcat's latest staffer and intern from the University of Huddersfield, will be attending and presenting at the [MozFest][moz] in London in October . Errietta, like the rest of the Shadowcat team, is a keen contributor to a number of Open Source projects and events. The MozFest will be the first time Errietta has presented and she is bounded with enthusiasm, and probably nervous anticipation, at the prospect.

A fuller attendance than before

Last Lancaster Social of the Year

On Wednesday the 24th September the last [Lancaster Social][lancsoc] of 2014 will be held at [The Hall on China Street, Lancaster][map]. This is the third event of the year, and since this is the innagural year the third event ever so all should rush to [sign up for tickets][sign].

September 2014 News Archive

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Matt S. Trout to Keynote the SOV at YAPC::EU::2014

August 2014 News Archive

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Mark and Ian to present at the Lancaster Engineering Society

Earlier this year Mark and Ian presented two talks to the Kendal Engineering Society and now they will present at the Lancaster Engineering Society.

July 2014 News Archive

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Shadowcat Systems Develops Further with Professional Help and Guidance

As many of you that folllow the news about Castle Shadowcat will already know the previous year has seen us grow in both size and scope. This has been a challenging and rewarding time for us all but there comes a point where we reach an inevitable presipice. As an organisation we have crossed a boundary from one type of company to another and with that we need to build, grow and change.

Welcome to Errietta

Castle Shadowcat are proud to announce the capture of a new developer to add to our growing Lancaster team. We would like to introduce you to, and welcome on-board, Errietta Kostala.

May 2014 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Notching up the Netherlands

Shadowcat Systems' very own [Matt S. Trout][mst] will be hitting up the hallway tracks and presenting two talks at the [Netherlands Perl Workshop][npw] this month. The workshop, held on the 25th April in the wonderful Dutch city of Utrech, will host a day of material devoted to modern Perl.

To a Swindon we will go...

This weekend is the first DBIx::Class Hackathon organised by Jess 'Castaway' Robinson and James 'theorbtwo' Mastros in the wonderful town of Swindon. Castaway is well known to the Perl community as a prolific docs writer, herder of cats and helpful face in many channels and it was her idea to hold the hackathon.

April 2014 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

A Prolog to Close the Day

Another Developer for the Dungeon

It is a proud pleasure to announce that Shadowcat are once again swelling the ranks of developers based out of our Lancaster offices as we welcome on board Kimball Johnson.

The Secret Power Behind the Throne

As part of the Kickstarter reward we received for backing Jack Knight's first exhibition was the chance to get a caricature done by Jack.

Looking like a Feline Terminator

I Say Moggles, dash it all to Heck and back

Here at Castle Shadowcat we have a number of [cat logos][cat] that have been developed both in-house and by using the services of, the very talented, [Jack Knight][face-jack] of [Knighttime Creations][jack]. Today we are unveiling two new ones from the hands of that most [talented young man, Jack][jack].

Fresh Perspective

It is always wise to seek a new approach, as it is the chance to see a different way of thinking.

Tonight's the Knight...

We at Castle Shadowcat have always been keen advocates of the community. Mark and Matt as Board members of the [Enlightened Perl Organisation][epo], Mark as a member of [The Perl Foundation][tpf] Steering and Marketing Committees, Kimball Johnson being Chair and Ian Norton council member of [FLOSS UK][floss]. It comes as no surprise that we, as an organisation, should become corporate members of [FLOSS UK][floss].

March 2014 News Archive

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Community Social Event

Next Monday, the 24th February, sees the launch of the brand new [Lancaster Social][lancsoc]. This is a new cross-sector open event aimed at cross-polinating in the community and the staff of Shadowcat Systems are heavily involved in the organisation and running of the event.

Supporting A Student Placement

As many of you are aware last year Shadowcat took on a [work intern][intern] in the shape of [tom Bloor][tb] to trial the possibility of a new development area and a new staff member.

Bringing Students into Perl

The [Perl Foundation][tpf] are (hopefully) participating as a mentor organization in GSoC 2014 and Shadowcat Systems CEO Mark Keating is one of the people hoping to make that happen.

February 2014 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Kaitlyn Joins the Crew

It the continuing trend of recent months we are happy to announce another new addition to our growing Shadowcat denizens. Kaitlyn Pankhurst has joined us as an outside contractor (letting us claim the LA space) to work alongside our growing team of experts.

Getting More Devs in the Toy Box

Once again Castle Shadowcat is graced this week by the arrival of two of our distance fellowship. Last year, you might recall if you read these news pages regularly, we started a programme of bringing all the Shadowcat team together at regular intervals.

Ian and Mark to talk to the Mechanical Masses

On Thursday, 23rd January 2014, [Ian Norton][idn] and [Mark Keating][mdk], General Manager and CEO of Shadowcat Systems respectively, will give an evening full of lectures at [Kendal Engineering Society][kes].

January 2014 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

A Feather From Jack's Cap?

Jack Jumps In

Jack who is familiar to regular visitors to this site is the creator of our much applauded caricatures of staff and cats that have been gracing our promotional material for the last 12 months.

December 2013 News Archive

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From PT to PA

He's not a Bike!

Coming steaming hot on the trail of news of Ian Norton as General Manager for Shadowcat we are now pleased to reveal his caricature and likeness enshrined in Steampunky goodness.

Marshalling the Troops

Allow me to introduce the new General Manager for Shadowcat Systems, our very own Ian Norton.

Now We Have Three of a Kind

Another Troll or Staffer?

Castle Shadowcat has always been proud of the hearty crew that staffs the walls and feeds the hairy trolls who live in the dungeons. So it is always a great pleasure when we ensnare another troll to feed. With that said it is an honour to report that Peter Rabbitson, known across the irc-webs as Ribasushi has joined the Shadowcat team.

November 2013 News Archive

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Here's Chrissy...

CEO is out-of-office for two days

This week, Thursday and Friday, will see Castle Shadowcat deprived of its overlord as our CEO (Managing Director in Imperial Money) is away for a night on an 'experiential'. This event is a part of the Lancashire Forum that he joined in association with Lancashire County Council, [Boost Lancashire][boost], [Lancaster University Management School][lums].

Social Media for All

Shadowcat Systems have elected to be Silver Sponsors of the [Social Media for Women Conference 2013][conf] to be held in Preston on 26th November

The Intern Turns into the Full Member

As many of you who are familiar visitors to these pages will already know we employed, this year, an intern to help us develop our new services and to train fresh blood.

October 2013 News Archive

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How Do We Manage It

This year we have started a process of reviewing much of our internal documentation and Project Management practices. Our hope is that we can refresh and improve the systems and evolve them for the next stage of our development as an organisation.

Just Strolling Along, typing a song

As the title says sometimes the child labour laws do not apply, especially if the new worker that you are desk sharing with is both willing, not paid by you (they are probably self-employed) and below the age of consent where they can be charged for employing themselves as child labour.

Child Labour Laws do not Apply

As the title says sometimes the child labour laws do not apply, especially if the new worker that you are desk sharing with is both willing, not paid by you (they are probably self-employed) and below the age of consent where they can be charged for employing themselves as child labour.

Being a Part of the Broader Community

Shadowcat Systems' Mark Keating is a member of the first cohort of the new Lancashire Forum

September 2013 News Archive

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Proud to be Recognised

Shadowcat Systems' awarded at the Business Awards.

A New Star in the Chamber

Shadowcat Systems' continues to extend its local connections.

Our Sponsorship of the Empty House is a Great Reward

Shadowcat Systems' helps to preserve a piece of history by funding the translation of a book and now is written in 6 new languages.

Matt S. Trout to present at YAPC::EU

Once again Shadowcat's very own Chieft Technical Officer, Matt S. Trout, will give a keynote address at the Yet Another Perl Conference, Europe.

August 2013 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

A New Pet to go with a New Office

Castle Shadowcat is an equal opportunites employer and we have had a vacancy for cheif drooler ever since the CTO stopped looking at code in his lunch hour, so he was a natural fit.

Far More Shadowcat Staff At LPW2013

A greater number of Shadowcat Staff will appear at this year's London Perl Workshop than previous years

Building the Guardian of the Gate

Throughout the months of May and June Shadowcat Systems moved offices, now we talk access controls.

July 2013 News Archive

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Matt S. Trout to be a Guest at YAPC:Asia

It is a pleasure to announce that Shadowcat's own Matt S. Trout has been invited to attend and speak at this year's [YAPC::Asia in Tokyo][asia].

We went from the Turrets to the Grand Window

Throughout the months of May and June Shadowcat Systems moved offices.

June 2013 News Archive

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Shadowcat Staff Open and Close NA

Mark Keating and Matt S. Trout will be attending and speaking at YAPC NA this year

Going from the Turrets to the Grand Window

Throughout the months of May and June Shadowcat Systems will be moving offices.

May 2013 News Archive

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A brace of t-shirts fly in...

This week we have received a batch of the first clothing to bear the new images. There will be more of these available over the coming months to be given out as promotional items and also to be sold to the general populace as part of a continuing expansion of the image.

XDG in da Castle

In our usual style we would like to talk about some of the recent guests to Castle Shadowcat, we begin with Dave Golden.

Lowering the Barrier for Fun to Happen

As many of the delegates arrive they have to make their way to the Shadowcat Offices and then shown to the hotel once they are assembled. We thought it might be a little confusing as to which offices are ours so we came up with a novel, if somewhat jocular and childish, solution.

We Hack, hack-hack-hack-hack-hack-hack, We Hack the Whole Day Through

This weekend sees the [sixth Perl QA Hackathon][perlqa] and will occur this year in the historical town of Lancaster in the north-west of England.

Farewell Adrian Trout

It is with great sadness that we report on the recent loss of another friend, and member of Shadowcat Systems' extended family.

April 2013 News Archive

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Shadowcat's Ian Norton to Wow the Spring FLOSS Conference

Exim, Perl and SNMP, oh my!

Shadowcat Systems' very own [Ian Norton][idn] will be presenting a talk at the [Open NMS][open] Conference in Germany between 12-15th March.

Kickstart and evolve your cPanel and WHM deployments

Shadowcat Systems was proud to launch recently a service [offering support, consultancy and development for cPanel and WHM][cpanelsc]. We can now add to that honour by announcing that [we have been accepted on to the WHM website as a service provider][service].

March 2013 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Systems Sponsors A Local Artist

Matt S. Trout to attend and Present at this year's Perl Oasis in Florida

Opening the Event

It was recently [announced on the YAPC::NA][yapc] blog that Shadowcat's own Mark Keating will be presenting the opening keynote for this year's American perl conference in Austin, Texas on 3rd June.

Offering cPanel and WHM Support

Shadowcat Systems recently started to offer consultancy, development and support for cPanel and WHM. We now have a [simple form][cpanel] where you can submit requests if you have a business need or a project in mind.

Celebrating Eight (great) Years

Shadowcat Systems will be going out for a Beer to celebrate 8 years

Lancaster and Morecambe Makers and Hackers Meeting

Shadowcat Systems host the Second Lancaster and Morecambe Makers event

February 2013 News Archive

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Say Hello to Tom

Matt S. Trout to attend and Present at this year's Perl Oasis in Florida

Mark Keating to Present in January

Matt S. Trout to attend and Present at this year's Perl Oasis in Florida

Matt S. Trout to attend and Present

Matt S. Trout to attend and Present at this year's Perl Oasis in Florida

LuneLab Maker Night

Shadowcat Systems host the first Lancaster Hack/make space event

January 2013 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

A Bite to Eat from Bytemark

A gift from a supplier that was unexpected and most kind...

An extra cat, a special cat, A Christmas Cat.

We receive a special cat for Xmas.

Shadowcat to host Lancaster Lab January 2013 meeting

Shadowcat will be hosting the first of many Lancaster Lab meetups on the 10th of January 2013 from 18:30 onwards.

The First Animated Cat is really the Second

I present to you the Third Cat (in a Hat)

The Second Animated Cat is really the First

The third image in our new collection of Cat Bot MkII is now completed

The First Animated Cat is really the Second

The third image in our new collection of Cat Bot MkII is now completed

The second image in our new collection, of Matt S. Trout is now available

Getty visits Catsle Shadowcat

December 2012 News Archive

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A Room for the Night

Shadowcat Systems sponsors a second newbie at the London Perl Workshop

Spreading the Word

Mark Keating will present a short introduction to Open Source at the January Lancaster Tweet-up

Once More into the Breach

Shadowcat Systems' to host the North West England Hackday for the 4th year.

In need of translation...

Shadowcat Systems' helps to preserve a piece of history by funding the translation of a book

Paperwork, People and Promotion

Shadowcat Systems' staff help organise this year's Google Code-In

November 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S. Trout will be presenting two talks and a Lightning Talk at the London Perl Workshop 2012.

Bringing Quality Home to North West England

Shadowcat Systems' staff organise next year's Perl QA hackathon

Shadowcat Systems sponsors a new attendance at the London Perl Workshop

Learning Together, Again ...

Shadowcat Systems' Ian Norton will be training at in October

Learning Together...

Shadowcat Systems' Ian Norton will present two workshops at the London Perl Workshop

'It wouldn't be an Italian Perl Workshop without Matt...'

Shadowcat Systems had the honour of working on an academic project

October 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Perl Leads the Pack in Textual Analysis

Shadowcat Systems had the honour of working on an academic project

Becoming the Steampunk Victorian Gentleman

Shadowcat Systems starts on a range of caricatures for the coming year

It will come as no surprize...*

Shadowcat Systems donates a prize to a local charity

Hack Around the Clock

Shadowcat Systems once again opens its doors to a Community Hack Day

Adminioning the Members

Claire Jackson visits the Shadowcat Offices to help out with Community work

September 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

More Meat for the Grinder

Ian Norton and Jess Robinson of Shadowcat join the Perl Foundation marketing committee

Giving Each and Every Month

Shadowcat Systems has made a commitment to support CPAN Testers each and every month

Trained by a Master (Grand Master, Wizard Class)

Mark Keating, Jess Robinson and Ian Norton will all attend one of Damian Conway's talks

Guten Tag Frankfurt

Mark Keating, Jess Robinson and Matt S. Trout will all be in Frankfurt next week

Viva La Change

Shadowcat Systems' website gets a welcome refresh

Advocating Change

Mark Keating has accepted a formal invite to the Perl Advocacy Group

Coming Aboard Full Time

Ian Norton, co-leader of North West England Perl Mongers joins Shadowcat Systems as a full-time employee

August 2012 News Archive

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Brand New Talks

Mark Keating has been invited to speak at the second meeting and he will be presenting 2 new talks when he does so.

A Notable Invitation

Mark Keating has been invited to speak at the second meeting

Taking a Break*

Matt S. Trout managed to break his hip in a one-in-a-million accident

Jess Robinson Visits Shadowcat

A Catalyst author is seen in the Shadowcat Systems offices

Kieren Diment visits Shadowcat

A Catalyst author is seen in the Shadowcat Systems offices

July 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Provisioning a New Server

A brief discussion on the provision of a new Shadowcat server for the use of the Community

Matt Trout Attends as a Guest Speaker

Matt Trout will be attending the French Perl Workshop this week as a guest speaker

Organised for the Third Year

Once again Mark Keating organises the Send-A-Newbie initiative for the EPO

Crowds gather despite the weather

the Olympic torch passes by the Shadowcat Systems offices

A limited run of five

Shadowcat Systems has limited edition tees for YAPC::NA 2012

A Greatly Deserved Award

Shadowcat Systems congratulates Jess Robinson on a richly deserved award

Active in the, Ethical, Local Community

Shadowcat Systems joins a Local Ethical Traders Association Meeting

A Corporate-Community Partnership

Shadowcat Systems and Suretec engaged in a shared development

June 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt Trout Attends as a Guest Speaker

Matt Trout will be attending the Italian Perl Workshop as a guest speaker

Returning for the 5th Year Running...

Mark Keating once again organises the London Perl Workshop

Matt Trout Attends as a Guest Speaker

Matt Trout will be attending the French Perl Workshop as a guest speaker

May 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating and Matt S. Trout to Present

Shadowcat Systems staff will once again attend and speak at the YAPC::NA

A Mat for your Beer, A Beer for Matt?

Matt Trout has a new 2012 business promotion card

Hopi Bofdi

Shadowcat Systems celebrates 7 years in business

April 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Giving Back to the Community

Shadowcat Systems discusses the sponsoring of the QA Hackathon

Being Physical in a Virtual Environment

Shadowcat Systems opens its doors on the's virtual hackday

Floss UK: Spring in Edinburgh

Shadowcat Systems' Matt S. Trout to attend and speak in Edinburgh at the Floss UK Spring Conference

mst Sponsored to Speak at OSD

Matt S. trout has been invited to speak once again at Open Source Days

March 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

mst speaks at the inaugural meeting

Matt S. trout has been invited to attend the inaugural meeting of

Proud to be a Silver Sponsor

Shadowcat Systems once again sponsors the YAPC::NA

TPF participate in 2012 GSoC

Shadowcat Systems' Mark Keating to co-administrate the GSoC 2012 initiative on behalf of the Perl Foundation

Floss UK in Edinburgh

Shadowcat Systems' Matt S. Trout to speak in Edinburgh

February 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Supporting Quality Assurance

Shadowcat Systems once again sponsors the Perl QA Hackathon

To Florida we will go...

Shadowcat Systems directors talk about open models in business

Shadowcat Staff Give Presentations

Shadowcat Systems members once again sponsor and attend the Perl Oasis

January 2012 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

To Florida we will go...

Shadowcat Systems members once again sponsor and attend the Perl Oasis

Shadowcat Systems Staff Shine at the LPW

Shadowcat Systems staff once again made a great impression at the London Perl Workshop

November 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

November 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Systems once again are the venue sponsors

The next Perl Oasis will once again be sponsored by Shadowcat Systems

Mark Keating to attend the Conference

This year Mark Keating will be attending the GSoC Mentors Conference on behalf of TPF

Shadowcat Sponsors the NWEPM Hackday

Shadowcat Systems once again will be hosting and sponsoring the NWEPM hackday

Shadowcat Staff to attend the LPW2011

Shadowcat Systems staff will be present at the 2011 LPW

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attend the Unconference

Shadowcat Systems staff will be present and representing

October 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

July 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Make a difference with out Sponsorship Package

Once again Shadowcat Systems will be sponsoring the tickets for SAN awardees at YAPC::EU

Shadowcat Systems Mark Keating & Matthew Trout have talks accepted

Once again Shadowcat Systems will be sending two speakers to YAPC::EU

Matt Trout to close YAPC::NA with his yearly talk

Once again Matt S. Trout of Shadowcat Systems will close YAPC::NA with his keynote speech State of the Velociraptor

June 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Systems is a Sponsor

Once again Shadowcat Systems has sponsored YAPC::NA

Shadowcat Systems becomes a Sponsor

Once again Shadowcat Systems will sponsor the YAPC::EU

Matt Trout to guest at the 2011 Italian Perl Workshop

Matt Trout has been invited to attend the 2011 IPW by the organisers of the event.

Matt Trout and Mark Keating to speak at NWE.PM May Technical

Matt Trout and Mark Keating will attend the May Technical meeting of the North West England Perl Mongers and each present a talk

May 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating invited to join the Mentor team for GSoC

Mark Keating was invited by Rafl to join the Mentor team to help with promotion and selection for GSoC 2011

Matt Trout to attend the April Technical

Matt Trout will attend the April 2011 Milton Kenes Technical meeting and present a talk

Mark Keating to do video at QA Hackathon

Mark Keating will attend the 2011 QA Perl Hackathon

Mark Keating to attend the Hackathon

Mark Keating will attend the 2011 QA Perl Hackathon

March 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating an Organiser Dynamic Languages Conference 2011

Mark Keating is one of the Organisers for the 2011 Dynamic Languages Conference

Mark Keating joins the Organisers

Mark Keating is now one of the Organisers for the 2011 QA Perl Hackathon

February 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Ringing in the changes...

Shadowcat Systems' Managing Director Mark Keating welcomes you all to the New Year

January 2011 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Systems' Mark Keating to speak at the venue

Shadowcat Systems' Managing Director Mark keating will give a talk at Perl Oasis

Shadowcat Systems Sponsors the venue

Shadowcat Systems' sponsors the venue for the Perl Oasis in 2011

Shadowcat to send a team...

Shadowcat Systems' sponsors a team for the Plat_forms 2011

November 2010 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

The UK's Premier Perl Workshop

Shadowcat Systems' Managing Director Mark Keating once again arranges the LPW

Hack, Hack, Hack-away today

Shadowcat Systems hosts the 2010 North West England Perl Mongers Hackathon

October 2010 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S. Trout presenting a week of training

Matt S. Trout will be in Oslo for a week in May presenting a series of training courses and giving a talk at the Communities in Action event.

2010 Conference Season begins with Shadowcat Training

2010 Conference Season begins with Shadowcat Training

April 2010 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

New Shadowcat Promotional Items

Shadowcat Systems starts 2010 with some new promotional gifts

February 2010 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

All at the technical in Lancaster

The NWE.PM and associated friends held a hackathon in Lancaster.

December 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating and Matthew Trout to Present

Mark Keating and Matthew Trout will be at Perl Oasis in Orlando, Florida in January 2010

See you at the London Perl Workshop

Mark Keating, Leigh Keating, Matthew Trout will be at the LPW social in London in December.

See you at the social in Manchester

Mark Keating will be at the NWE.PM social in Manchester.

November 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating interviewed by Nestoria

Mark Keating was interviewed by the Nestoria team about the London perl Workshop and the Perl Community.

London Perl Workshop Report

Mark Keating interviewed by H-Online for the London Perl Workshop

October 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the Italian Perl Workshop

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Pisa, Italy between the 22nd-24th October to attend and present talks at the Italian Perl Workshop

Mark Keating organising the London Perl Workshop

Mark Keating has been asked, and has accepted, the task of organising the London Perl Workshop once again

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the NWE.PM September Social Meeting

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Warrington on Wednesday 30th September to attend the North West England Perl Monguers September Social Meeting

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the NWE.PM Technical Meeting

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Lancaster once again on Wednesday 2nd September to attend the North West England Perl Monguers strangely monthed August Technical Meeting

September 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Systems will be sponsoring the YAPC::EU in Lisbon

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Lisbon from the 3rd - 5th August attending the YAPC::EU conference

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending and talking at the YAPC::NA in Pitsburgh

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Pitsburgh from the 22nd - 25th June attending the YAPC::NA conference

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending and talking at the YAPC::EU in Lisbon

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Lisbon from the 3rd - 5th August attending the YAPC::EU conference

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the NWE.PM Technical Meeting

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Manchester once again on Wednesday 1st July to attend the North West England Perl Monguers strangely monthed June Technical Meeting

June 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Mark Keating and Matt Trout to speak at the YAPC::EU 2009 conference in Lisbon

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be speaking at the YAPC::EU Conference from 3-5th August 2009

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the NWE.PM Technical Meeting

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in Manchester on Tuesday 5th May to attend the North West England Perl Monguers April Technical Meeting

May 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating attending the LPM March Social

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will be in London on Thursday and Friday, 5th-6th March and will be attending the London Perl Monguers March Social

March 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S Trout attending the Nordic Perl Workshop

Matt S Trout to aattend Nordic Perl Workshop and then join in with the Enlightened Perl Hackathon following the event

Matt S Trout a guest speaker at the Belgian Perl Workshop

Matt S Trout to appear at the Belgian Perl Workshop at the end of February

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating to give presentations

Matt S Trout and Mark Keating will both give presentations at the North West England Perl Mongers group at the end of February.

February 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Shadowcat Site launches new look

Shadowcat Systems launches new website look

January 2009 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matthew Trout to talk and run a workshop in London

London Perl Workshop 2008, Matthew Trout will be giving talks and running a workshop

Mark Keating organises the Perl Workshop in London

London Perl Workshop 2008, Mark Keating will be organiseing this event

Lead into Gold: Catalyst refactoring, optimisation and testing

Matt S Trout to talk at UKUUG 2008

October 2008 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Exclusive Edition Conference t-shirt

Exclusive Edition Conference t-shirt

Matt S Trout to talk at YAPC::EU 2008

Matt S Trout to talk at YAPC::EU 2008

July 2008 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt S Trout to talk at OSCON 2008

Matt S Trout to talk at OSCON 2008

Matt S Trout to talk at YAPC::NA 2008

Matt S Trout to talk at YAPC::NA 2008

June 2008 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

FISL 9.0 and YAPC::SA::2008

Shadowcat's developers at FISL 9.0 and YAPC::SA::2008

April 2008 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

TODO Manager for Winter of Code

Shadowcat win bid to build TODO Manager for Vienna WoC

London Perl Workshop

Shadowcat's staff at London Perl Workshop

December 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

London Perl Workshop

London Perl Workshop, 1st December 2007

Shadowcat 2007 Trading Card Game

Shadowcat 2007 Trading Card Game

Shadowcat 2007 T-shirt

Shadowcat 2007 T-shirt

November 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt Trout, Mark Keating at the London Perl Workshop

Matt Trout, Mark Keating at the London Perl Workshop

Shadowcat 2007 Trading Card Game

Shadowcat 2007 Trading Card Game

Shadowcat 2007 T-shirt

Shadowcat 2007 T-shirt

Matt Trout at the French Perl Workshop

Matt Trout at the French Perl Workshop

Shadowcat Staff at the 3rd AgileNorth Confernce

Shadowcat Staff at the 3rd AgileNorth Confernce

October 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt Trout at the French Perl Workshop

Matt Trout at the French Perl Workshop

September 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

Matt Trout YAPC Slides

Matt Trout YAPC Slides online

Matt Trout to do 2nd Talk at YAPC::EU

Matt Trout to do 2nd Talk at YAPC::EU

YAPC Cookbook - 3 more sections online

YAPC Cookbook

Shadowcat mini-Euro tour

Shadowcat mini-Euro tour for YAPC::EU 2007

Database Haters Anonymous

Database Haters Anonymous: time and details at YAPC::EU 2007

Matt Trout's Podcast

Matt Trout's Podcast available for download

Matt Trout appearance at OSCON 2007

Matt Trout appearance at OSCON 2007, slides online

YAPC::EU 2007

YAPC::EU 2007 - The Cookbook

August 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

OSCON 2007

Matt Trout to appear at OSCON 2007

YAPC::EU 2007

Matt Trout to speak at YAPC::EU 2007

YAPC::EU 2007

Shadowcat Boys at YAPC::EU 2007

July 2007 News Archive

Shadowcat archive News page, all news events are top-posted

A limited run of five

Shadowcat Systems has limited edition tees for YAPC::NA 2012