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Mark Keating co-administrator for GSoC

TPF participate in 2012 GSoC

Tue Feb 7 13:15:00 2012

GSoC 2012 Header

Mark Keating will once again be a member of the organisation team for this year's Google Summer of Code initiative on behalf of the Perl Foundation.

Last year under the dilligent leadership of Florian Ragwitz (rafl) the tpf students all managed to complete their assignments successfully. The team are hoping to get a good result this year and even attempt to match it and achieve another 100% success.

Mark will be making flyers and keeping the media sites updated as well as blogging, tweeting and promoting the initiative as much as he can. Follow this site and his blog for more information. There is also news on the EPO wiki and the Perl Foundation front page, press releases and initiatives page. Students, mentors and other interested parties can join the #soc-help channel on

Please join in the fun. blog article
Google announcement
Perl Foundation Homepage
Enlightened Perl Organisation Homepage
Wiki GSoC general information
Wiki GSoC Ideas Page
Wiki Homepage

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