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February 2017 News

February 2017 News Archive

Wed Feb 1 00:00:00 2017

This is the shadowcat news archive for February 2017.

Shadowcat at FLOSSUK2017: Part One


Stickers and freebies

It is always a pleasure to announce Shadowcat Staff attending and presenting at conferences and even more so when it is more than one member.* At this year’s FLOSSUK Spring ‘DevOps’ Conference, in Manchester during March, Shadowcat’s own Matt S. Trout and Tom Bloor will be giving talks.

Matt will be talking about Accelerating Monitoring Plugins using Perl and CPAN and is based on comparative work Matt has done understanding and upgrading from infrastructure libraries such as Nagios.

Tom will give two talks, the first is all about Scripting for LetsEncrypt to overcome some of the limitations in the service using Perl. The second talk is on Tom’s second passion Testing with Services. This second talk is more focussed on testing external processes and how the Perl testing culture can be integrated and utilised.

The full schedule of talks can be found on the FLOSSUK website along with tickets for the event and details of the Raspberry Pi Workshop which coincides with it.


  • Shadowcat’s Mark Keating will also be at the event but we will be discussing this in a separate article.

MDK in the News

While we don’t generally tout, too much,* of our own trumpet it is always nice when a Shadowcatter gets their name into a publication or site outside of our own domains.

Mark Keating, MD and avid site contributor, has made a little splash in February as he appears in local news sites, a local initiative blog and on a podcast.

Mark is the chair of the newly formed Digital Lancaster which we made some note of previously. Last week he was the host and a speaker at the Digital Lancaster launch event and made it onto sites because of this. Mark was featured in the Digital Lancashire blog and the In The Bay news site.

Mark is also a member of The Perl Foundation and Enlightened Perl marketing efforts and was at FOSDEM for the yearly conference. As is now a tradition he was on the table with Wendy** and in a repeat of last year was interviewed by Hacker Public Radio for their podcast.

As always you can contribute to the conversation below and follow Mark on Twitter by tweeting at @shadowcat_mdk


  • Though, if we are honest, the whole point of a news page is to tout just a little of our own brass instrument.

** In our general madness we published this article with Mark accompanying Liz. This was a genuine slip of the mind on behalf of the author who clearly meant Wendy. Knew it was Wendy. Would have said Wendy. But in a brief moment of oddness wrote Liz. Sorry Wendz.