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Sponsoring the Newbie

Mon Oct 29 09:45:25 2012

Once again Shadowcat Systems will be doing an extra-special reach out to the Perl Community at this year's London Perl Workshop in particular those new to Perl conferences.

As last year we will be sponsoring a new person's attendance to the event, this year it will be Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver, whose travel costs we will be reimbursing. Ludovic is a member of the North West England Perl Mongers and has never attended a major Perl event, the London Perl Workshop will be the breaking of that virgin status.

Part of our sponsorship is to encourage participation via the presentation of a Lightning Talk, Ludovic has generously submitted two talks which have been accepted.

I hope, like us, you will welcome him into the conference-going Perl community and support his first presentations at a large Perl event.

If you are thinking of attending, and you should, we hope to meet you there.