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Moved Sticks

We went from the Turrets to the Grand Window

Tue Jun 25 11:30:00 2013

The drama of the office move continues on apace. We are now moved into the office but it was not as smooth as we would have liked and there is still an industrial diggers worth of work to do.

There were a number of niggles with telephony and internet supply as we commissioned new systems and moved existing ones. So the mild phrasing I have used to describe it previously, 'we have had some fun in getting the broadband supply and phones set up into the new building' to most people seriously understates the stress Ian and Mark had in making people understand what was supposed to be a simple process.

The running of cables and trunking for alarms, power, Ethernet and associated devices went well and that is now complete and we have completed the fitting of components. Though the access control systems are still being written as we are using a custom system to access the interface between card readers, logging, mechanical components and alarm system. For those that are curious, we are using Perl as part of the build.

There have been great strides forward in the assembling and placing of desks and we have even placed some pictures on the walls. As promised a selection of images follow so you can see the current progress.

Setting up Desks

Setting up Desks

And more desks...

And more desks...

Lots of trunking

Lots of trunking

The auxillary server/network box

The auxillary server/network box

The Shadowcat Cats are Framed

The Shadowcat Cats are Framed

Setting up Workstations

Setting up Workstations

Setting up Workstations

Ian and Tom moving the larger rack (Darth Vader's Coffin)