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General Orders

Farewell Mr Norton

Thu Dec 31 14:30:00 2015

One year ends and another comes rushing in to replace it and here at Shadowcat we wave a sad fare the well to our General Manager. Ian will be leaving us in early january 2016 after three years in the Shadowcat fold, he goes with a tear and a hope that he will find some new challenges to conquer.

During the latter part of 2015 Ian decided that the pressures of Consultancy and a desire to do more System Administration work led him to only one possible conclusion. It was therefore with regret that he decided to leave his position in the Shadowcat team and return to admungulating Linux Servers.

The whole of the Shadowcat team will miss Ian and we wish him great luck in all his new endeavours. Thankfully he is not going far and will no doubt be in close touch with us and will still be a member of the mixed communities the local team have. We will certainly be seeing him at regular LAMM events.

Our Gumby Ian will be missed (his brain hurts)

Our Gumby Ian will be missed (his brain hurts)
