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OSCON 2007

OSCON 2007

Sun Jul 1 15:00:00 2007

Oscon Main Site
Matt will be speaking at OSCON in Portland, Oregon this year. Once agin he will be talking in full Catalyst-mode. For those of you who caught Matt at Milton Keynes and YAPC 2006 his talk will be a variant on the Beautiful and Unique snowflakes that is Catalyst, but don't expect repetition as this is Matt after all and there is always something that you can tweak and refine.

  • Session: Beautiful and Unique Snowflakes: Cooking with Catalyst
  • Track: Web Applications (client-side and server-side)
  • Date: Wednesday, July 25
  • Time: 1:45pm - 2:30pm
  • Location: D133
  • A run-down of tips, tricks, and available modules that enable Catalyst users to develop complex applications dealing with a wide variety of real-world situations.
  • Main topics:
    • URI mapping flexibility
    • supported deployment environments
    • Models: DB, LDAP, SVN, ...
    • View processors
    • Authentication stores
    • UTF8 and I18N
    • Ajax