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May 2011 News

May 2011 News Archive

Sun May 1 00:00:00 2011

This is the shadowcat news archive for May 2011.


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YAPC NA 2011
Follow Mark Keating on Twitter
Follow Matt S. Trout on Twitter

Once again Shadowcat Systems will sponsor the YAPC (Yet Another Perl Conference) North American event, which is this year to be held in Ashville, North Carolina.

Shadowcat Systems staff have provided time to the organisation of the conference, and this has been determined as a sign of company sponsorship by the organisers. It is rare that organisers promote this form of company invovement into an event, and the recognition of this by YAPC is commendable. It is also an illustration to companies that becoming involved in a community and the associated activities need not have a direct fiscal cost. Sometimes companies need only support the decisions our staff make and attempt to ease any difficulties they have with scheduling their time, we can also help promote the event in company literature and to staff, clients and business partners.

Matt S. Trout and Chris Nehren will also be attending, and presenting talks, at the conference.


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YAPC Europe 2011
Follow Mark Keating on Twitter
Follow Matt S. Trout on Twitter

Once again Shadowcat Systems will sponsor the YAPC (Yet Another Perl Conference) Europe event, which is this year to be held in Riga, Latvia. Shadowcat Systems has now sponsored YAPCs in Europe since 2006 (Birmingham, Vienna, Copenhagen and Pisa).

This year we have elected to become Silver Sponsors, it is a firm conviction at Shadowcat that it is important to be involved with and sponsor community events as they act as catalysts for greater community projects and events. We are sure that this year will be no different.

Matt and Mark will also be attending, and presenting talks, at the conference.

Italian Perl Workshop

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Italian Perl Workshop Homepage
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Follow Matt S. Trout on Twitter

Matt Trout has been invited to attend the Italian Perl Workshop in Turin from the 8th to 9th September 2011.

Matt will most likely present more than one talk and full details of these will be made available soon.

North West England PM Technical

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North West England Perl Mongers
NWE Meetings Page
May Technical
MadLab Follow Mark Keating on Twitter
Follow Matt S. Trout on Twitter

Matt Trout and Mark Keating once again attend North West England Perl Mongers Technical Meeting on 19th May at MadLab.

Mark will be talking about the Perl Community and Matt will be presenting a weighty philosophical talk relating to programming, language and libraries.

Title: I 3 My Community
By Mark Keating (mdk) from
Duration: 20 minutes (approx)
Target audience: Any

Imagine a big chocolate cake full of yummy ingredients and you have "ma kommunitae" A personal look at some of the people in the Perl community who both impress and inspire me. So this is a slice of that cake, not literally even though it is a metaphorical cake. Also contains anecdotes from the back end of a conference Cthulu attempted to destroy (next year we sacrifice 2 virgins to him). This is a personal tribute and tale of an organiser in the wild, it may be useful, it will at least have slides.

Title: Euclid, Socrates and Mill - Quality in Documentation
By Matt S. Trout (mst) from
Duration: 40 minutes (approx)
Target audience: Any

Earlier this year, your presenter made the choice (mistake?) to finally read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a decision which set off a long chain of thought about how to introduce and elucidate both concepts of programming and the details of libraries and languages.

We'll talk about Euclid's Elements, the Socratic Dialogue style, and Mill's work both on utilitarianism and libertarianism and how they relate to different styles of learning and of teaching.

Then by the power of interstitial puns, we'll digress entirely into the origins and anatomy of potential and existing users' perceptions of quality in both documentation and the presentation of a project as a whole.

Some time after that, there may be a point.

Or not. Philosophy can be like that sometimes.