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We are off to Granada[1]

Wed Aug 19 12:10:00 2015

this year the Shadowcat team will be represented at the Yet Another Perl Conference::Europe by the company directors, Mark Keating and Matt S. Trout.

Matt will also be presenting a talk at the event on the Wednesday afternoon called Build Management with a Dash of Prolog. The full text of Matt’s abstract is available online but some particular highlights are:

A finely honed hatred of every systems tool I have to work with led me to experiment with alternative ideas for build, configuration and deployment management.

And if you have ever been to a talk that Matt has given you will instantly understand this statement:

Trust me, it'll be fun. I'll bring tissues in case anybody's head explodes.

Take a full look at the schedule to see what highlights you want to attend and make sure to say hello to Matt and Mark if you are there.


[1] So I’m kind of old and the mention of Granada instantly makes me think of the old ITV regions of the 70s and 80s.