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Mark Keating to talk at Lancaster Tweet-up

Spreading the Word

Tue Nov 13 20:20:25 2012

Our Managing Director, Mark Keating, will be running a short presentation at the January tweet-up organised by Jane's Social Media and Lancaster Ethical Small Traders Association.

The theme of Mark's talk will be: What the Heck is Open Source? It is meant as a simple introduction to the world of Open Source thinking and what the general principle is. Mark will also briefly touch upon some of the reasons that this methodology is favoured in modern programming, how it is inked to other disciplines in Science and Art, how you can make money from it.

This is a rather grand ambition so Mark will be using a light hearted approach as this is an introductory piece aimed at people with any level of understanding.

The provisional date has been set for this event on the 23rd January 2013, we will update you with more information as we receive it. The tweet-up is a chance to come and mingle with members of ESTA and other small to medium enterprises in the local district in an informal setting. It is a networking, social and co-operative venture.