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Perl Oasis 2011

Shadowcat Systems' Mark Keating to speak at the venue

Sun Dec 19 16:30:24 2010

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Shadowcat Systems' Managing Director, Mark Keating, will be both attending, and speaking at the Orlando Perl Mongers conference, Perl Oasis, on 15th January 2011. Next year Mark will be talking about his appreciation of some of the people he has met in the Perl community and the trials of organising a conference when it seems that the very Gods themselves are pitched against you.

2010's Oasis Perl Workshop was a great event and Shadowcat Systems is proud to be the Venue sponsors for both 2011 and 2012, ensuring that this conference continues on and hopefully continues to grow in both size and reputation.

If you are in the Orlando area, or are attending this conference be sure to grab Mark and say hello.