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June 2017 News

June 2017 News Archive

Thu Jun 1 00:00:00 2017

This is the shadowcat news archive for June 2017.

American Perl 2017

It is that time of year again when we have a few months of major Perl conferences and events across the globe. One of these is the Perl Conference (US) which is also sometimes referred to as YAPC::NA.[1][2]

As usual there will be representation from the land of the Cat in the form of our very own Matt S. Trout. Matt will be attending the conference, giving a speech that is all about Javascript,[3] luxuriating in the Hallway Track and no doubt propping up a bar in the wee small hours.

If you catch hold of Matt make sure to say a big friendly hello and I am sure he will be happy to return such.


[1] YAPC = Yet Another Perl Conference

[2] We still affectionately refer to it as YAPC in the office, it is an acronym that has become fixed in our hearts, minds and muscle reflex actions.

[3] He does like to subvert narratives, but the talk does have a relationship to Perl.

Shadows Over Brum

It is a pleasure to announce that once again Shadowcat will be attending at this year’s FLOSSUK Birmingham BarCamp, at the Studio on this Saturday, 10th June from 09:00-17:00. Shadowcat’s own Mark Keating and Tom Bloor will be attending.

As always we have a few more jobs than just attendees at the event. Mark is part of the organising team for Barcamp Birmingham and may end up chairing some of the sessions. Tom will be videoing the whole day and we will likely publish the videos on the FLOSSUK YouTube page. Sign up for a free ticket from Eventbrite here and we hope to see you on the day.[1]


[1] There are not always notes[2]

[2] Though if I do this then there probably are...