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October 2009 News

November 2009 News Archive

Sun Nov 1 00:00:00 2009

This is the shadowcat news archive for November 2009.

Perl Oasis

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Perl Oasis Website
Perl Oasis IRC Channel
The troll, the god and the mountain

Mark Keating and Matt S. Trout will be attending the Perl Oasis in Orlando on 16th January 2010. Matt will be presenting a new talk for 2010 with a rather amusing title that shows that he may be in the mood for playfulness (and probably a deeper talk hidden in allegory). This year's keynote will be presented by Shadowcat's Mark Keating.

London Perl Workshop

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London Perl Workshop
Career Skills Workshop
Begining Perl

The London Perl Workshop is a free event held at the University of Westminster's Cavendish Campus on the 5th December 2009. The event is being organised by Mark Keating and Mark, Leigh and Matt from Shadowcat will be in attendance on the day. Matt S. Trout will be presenting a forty minute talk, a lightning talk and a workshop on career skills with Ash Berlin on the day.

NWE.PM November Social

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Meeting Page
NWE.PM website

This months social for the North West England Perl Mongers will be held at the Lass O' Gowrie public house in Manchester on the 25th November starting at 7 p.m.. Everyone is welcome where we will consume fine ales, talk about things that we find fun and interesting (not just Perl) and be sociable. This month we are inviting the group into our fold.