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YAPC::EU 2007 Blog, Day Three

How many times can a man say the same expletive, call Matthew Trout for more information

YAPC::EU 2007: Vienna: Day Three

27th August: Vienna. Conference Day One

YAPC::EU 2007: Vienna is apparently the largest European YAPC ever and the audotorium on the first morning seems to reflect that. It is pretty packed for the introduction and Larry's keynote speech. There are quite a few YAPC virgins in the audience, from the show of hands it seems like half of the people assembled.

Larry Wall gives his yearly speech

Larry's speech this year seemed a little long, I am told by Matt that it is the same one he gave at OSCON where he was allotted a little less time to do it and therefore the speech itself seemed snappier as the pacing was tighter. In all it was a brief foray into where Perl is in terms of history, current and future development with the added bonus of a brief look at some of the guts.

Both of Matt's sppeches are scheduled for today. The first one (Be Confused) followers Larry in the main auditorium after a short coffee break. It goes down quite well, it could have been more crowded but many people were still tied up with the fun and laughter of registration. So there are a few late arrivals with the end of the speech being seen by a lot more people than the start. Larry sits in on the talk with his wife (who I have discovered likes cross stitch. She was doing a cross stitch that she had bought in the Lake District after last years YAPC::EU in Birmingham).

Matt's second speech of the day: Database Haters Anonymous, is set in one of the smaller (but not small) audotoriums. It is literally 'packed to the gills' with some people standing at the back (though packed in these terms means there is still a little room as we YAPC attendees like to spread out with our laptops and paraphenalia in abundance. Matt starts the talk by giving us a twenty minute delay after he fails to get his laptop to work with the projection system. A bit of community spirit: 4 technicians, a loaned laptop, video converter and several willing people later and Matt is ready. this little delay means that he abandons all hope of pacing his speech in the way he desired and goes for it full on.

Matt Trout gives his speech

Database Haters Anonymous is a retrospective and a tribute to all the contributors, users and community who make up the DBIx::Class project. Matt truly does justice in both a complimentary and humorous fashion to the many people who play a great part and gives some insight to the vast scope of a project that started life as a research project. The presentation is met with rapturous, and deserving, applause.

The end of the day is the usual YAPC pub crawl, a stalwart and magnificent tradition :)
