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Lego Robot Wars

The first ever SC Lego Robot Wars tournament was held in January 2007 in Lancaster and was comprised 'loosely' of two teams. The first team was James 'theorbtwo' with help from Leigh 'chipperfairy' and Jess 'castaway'; the second team was Matt 'mst', Jess 'castaway' with help from Mark 'mdk' and Leigh 'chipperfairy'

Lego Robot Wars

Click here for Lego Robot Wars 2007 Trading Card

The following movies were compiled from pictures taken at the first lego Robot Wars. The official Tally was:

  • Team Evil-Laugh Bot 2 - Stuffed Rabbit 3
  • Team Twat-Bot 3 - Stuffed Rabbit 0
  • Team Twat-Bot 0 - Wall 1
  • Team Twat-Bot 0 - MST's Boots 1
  • Team Twat-Bot 1 - Team Evil-Laugh Bot 0 (two draws with no score)

Therefore the overall winner was, the stuffed rabbit.

Gif Animation 01: Team Evil-Laugh Bot vs Stuffed Rabbit

Team Evil-Laugh Bot was an original design by James who had help from Jess and Leigh in the build and programming.

gif movie of lego robot wars

Gif Animation 02: Team Twat-Bot vs Stuffed Rabbit (and MST's boots)

Team Twat-Bot was an original design by Jess and Matt who had help from Mark and Leigh in the build and programming.

gif movie of lego robot wars

Gif Animation 03: Team Twat-Bot vs team Evil-Laugh Bot

Leigh 'chipperfairy' is the only non-programmer on the teams, so it was only fair that both teams used her to do the programming for the robots in the tournament.

gif movie of lego robot wars