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Email: July Technical

Castaway, Theorbtwo and a 3D Printer

Thu May 26 14:25:00 2011

A pair of Perl persons pop along in person to print

North West England Perl Mongers Homepage
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For their July Technical the North West England Perl Mongers have invited the wonderful Jess Robinson (castaway) and James Mastros (theorbtwo) to visit them and demonstrate, discuss and promote their 3D printer. They will do this during the afternoon and evening of Thursday 22nd July 2011.

Shadowcat Systems will be hosting the event at their offices in Lancaster, also we will be sponsoring the accommodation for Jess and James.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is a fan of 3D printing, or who is generally keen on hi-tech DIY tinkering to come along and see a 3D printer in action and to talk to a pair of enthusiasts who code for and design with the device. Jess and James not only built the printer but design unique items to print from it and will bring along a selection of those items and discuss how you can join in and build and design your own.

Jess and James will also be willing to print just about any item from the Thingverse on the printer either before, during, or after the event, a charge will be made to cover the time and materials and any shipping for larger items/multiple orders.

Places for the day will be strictly limited, so please contact Mark at m.keating [at]

If anyone has feedback (and until we have a commenting system) please don't hesitate to email me at: m.keating [at], if your comments are useful, fun, or just plain interest to me, or if I think will be useful to others, then I will add them to the end of this post, let me know how you would like to be named (anon, nick etc.).


Mark Keating is: Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director and Secretary of Enlightened Perl Organisation
Chair of the Marketing Committee for The Perl Foundation
Co-Founder/Co-Leader of North-West England Perl Mongers
Work Blog: Mark Keating on Shadowcat
LinkedIn Profile: Mark Keating on LinkedIn
Perlesque Blog: Mark Keating on
My Public Blog: Mark Keating's Personal site
Twitter Feed: Mark Keating on Twitter
Facebook: Mark Keating on Facebook
Flickr: Mark Keating on Flickr
Family site: Mark Keating's Family Site Combined Feeds: Mark Keating on Flavor

Mark Keating is the organiser of the London Perl Workshop (since 2008), has joined the organising team for the QA Hackathon in 2011, the TPF GSoC Mentors/organisers 2011, the Dynamic Languages Conference 2011.