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The World of Micro Technology Services

The World of Micro Technology Services

Sun Mar 15 09:00:00 2015

At Micro Technology Services they do a wide variety of jobs for a diverse portfolio of clients. They are a fusion shop supplying both hardware and software services. Based in Texas, United States, for over twenty-five years but working to a worldwide audience Micro Technology embrace modern manufacturing techniques and they do so with a firm love for Perl. At Micro Technologies they see Perl as a strong choice for modern web applications.

At Micro Technology, our goal is to be your best supplier of software engineering, contract engineering, and manufacturing. We build lasting partnerships with our customers by providing designs that have unique, imaginative solutions to manufacturing challenges, and by paying meticulous attention to quality. We do software development in a variety of languages, including C for small microprocessors, with Linux and real time kernels for embedded systems. We use Modern Perl techniques for creating web applications using Catalyst and DBIC.

Big Things on a Small Scale

Micro Technologies helps their clients bring their projects, concepts and dreams to life. They have successfully completed thousands of projects for their clients, in real terms this translates to sales that are worth billions of dollars.

The designs that Micro Technology produce cover the entire spectrum of a clients needs. This might be from the embedded design of basic 8-bit controller design; highly integrated FPGA’s with embedded processors; laying out of complex PCB’s; just about anything that is needed. To create the complex layouts their clients require they use the latest Mentor Grahics PADS® PCB layout software including differential pair routing for high-speed signals.

We do software development in a variety of languages, including C for small microprocessors, with Linux and real time kernels for embedded systems, Catalyst and Sencha ExtJS framework are ideal for rapid development of MVC web development.

Over their history Micro Technologies have provided services to one of the highest quality companies in the industry, their clients have relied on Micro Technology to help design and manufacture their proprietary products.

Micro Technology have become recognised both within and outside of their industry. They have featured a number of times in the Editor's Choice Awards from PC World.

Editors Choice for the GLyder 3-D graphics accelerator board which excelled in 3-D rendering. Best Travel Site of the Year Award for web application work on bizMiles, a site that aggregated all of your frequent flyer miles into one place.

Micro Technologies uses a lot of Perl and some of the most noticeable modules on CPAN. They regularly use; Catalyst, Plack, DBIC, Moo and Moose and IO::Async. They also employ a number of CPAN authors who are contributors to Perl blogs, user groups and present at Perl conferences including the yearly YAPC::NA

CPAN Authos employed by Micro Technologies:

Micro Technologies also sponsor the PostScript::Report ( PostScript::Report is designed to generate nicely formatted reports using PostScript. They are also involved in testing DBD::ODBC before it hits CPAN.

You can find Micro Technology at

  • MTSi, 1819 Firman Drve #137, TX 75081
  • (888) 230-MTSI, 972-231-6874, 972-669-1599
  • Sales Contact: or

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