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EPO Site Design

A Fresh Perspective

Wed Oct 14 19:30:00 2015

Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination:
never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

I have been thinking that it is time to put some fresh looks to some of the Perl community sites as we move towards the end of 2015. I am hoping we can bring most of them to a more modern look and feel and give them a lot more relevance to modern ways of browsing and interacting.

Some of the first sites that I think we can move forward with are those that I have a great deal of input into. In this regard I will be looking to start a re-design of the EPO site, and I need your help.

There are a few things that we need to do with the site:

  • It doesn’t show enough thanks for the people who sponsor, work with and are helped by its activities;
  • It needs a page for sponsor logos and names for those who donate to the various activities it supports;
  • It needs to show the activities it has supported and will continue to be a part of in the future;
  • It needs a lot of older material taking down and removing;
  • It needs to look pretty;
  • It needs to reflect modern design principles including reactive design and the mobile web;
  • It needs some interactive elements, but these will be discussed with who ever helps me;
  • It needs moving to a sensible git workflow so that we can have branches and more committers;

So I have come to realise that my skills are best used in driving this project forward and that what I need from the community is some people willing to give some help in doing the above. This is an immediate need, so if you have tuits please contact me.

I need someone to design and build the look of the site and they will have a lot of freedom, I’m very approachable on looks.

I need people to help with the technical setup and migration and in designing the project workflow for the new design and future contribution.

I need the people to step up and be counted.

Who’s with me?

[Don't forget that you can join in this conversation by using the comments form or by tweeting at @shadowcat_mdk]
