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Volunteers Needed

Time to Make a Difference

Tue Aug 1 16:00:20 2017

If you are attending the Perl Conference in Amsterdam this year and would like to make a real difference there is a sure fire way that you can help. Volunteer.

The Perl Conference, like so many other community initiatives is entirely powered by people who give up their free time. As such there is always a place for more hands to make the workload lighter for all. This year, specifically, we need people to help out with the timing of talks and video production.

On the Wiki of the main Perl Conference site, is a sign up location where you can add your name if you are able to give some of your event time to doing one of these tasks. If you are likely to sit in a room listening to talks anyway it is an added bonus that you are helping the entire conference run smoothly.

As a volunteer you will be thanked and cheered by all the other attendees and those who benefit from seeing videos of an event they maybe cannot attend. There is also the chance that some kind and grateful soul will buy you a beer or offer a stroopwafel as a thank you.

Please sign up and we can use as many hands as are willing, it is better to have too many volunteers so some are relieved of need than to have too few.

[Don't forget that you can join in this conversation by using the comments form or by tweeting at @shadowcat_mdk]


[1] There are not always notes...except now there are!