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Covid Days

Locked in our homes...

Mon Mar 30 10:57:20 2020

I am sitting in my newly-designated bedroom office/workspace, as I imagine are many others in these movement restricted days. Many of us are confined to homes with immediate family, struggling to balance the day-to-day pressures of not just working from home, but enforced habitation with our very nearest and dearest.

For me it is not a new situation. I have young children and a job that can be done from the end of an internet connection. This is not the first time I have been confined to the house for extended periods, working around demanding offspring, in the last decade. It is however still an unprecedented situation, especially in the light of the global pandemic we are all tasked with living through.

This seemed an apt point to restart blogging to the company website and to make sure we keep the news about Shadowcat up to date. The recording and producing of the news is a task that normally falls to me; and I have always been an avid, if somewhat variable, writer and blogger.

This is the first of the returning blog posts and it is more of a hello to you all, a wave, a smile and a friendly “how the heck are you?”.

Also, a reminder to our friends, clients, business associates and others who live in close proximity to the Shadowcat Staff, we are around if you need us. We all have our support networks of family and friends. But if those fail and you live close to one of us, and you need a delivery of essential food or supplies, reach out and we will see if we can help. If you are further afield and just generally want to pick up a phone, video call, or text chat to have a reassuring conversation. We can be there for you.

Shadowcat and its family have always been firm believers in the power of community and social networks. It is why we indulge, engage and support many online communities. It is why we have promoted and organised so many groups, events and conferences. It is why we have sponsored many initiatives and will continue to do so. We know that it is not just saying you want a community, it is about building it.

This is a time for us all to reach out and help. Remember that you are not alone.

[Don't forget that you can join in this conversation by using the comments form at the bottom of the page or by [tweeting at @shadowcat_mdk][mdk]]. At the very least hit one of the six buttons below to share a feeling with us :)