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Marvellously FairFX

Simply the best exchange service I have ever used

Tue Mar 9 10:50:00 2010

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Fairfx offer several types of Card, the US Dollar and Euro cards which carry only that currency and the "anywhere" card which does what it says in its name.

FairFX website

I'm going to discuss a service I have used for over a year now and I want to gush a little about how great they are. The service is a currency exchange site called The site offers an interesting alternative to travellers cheques as it allows you to purchase a "currency card" that you put money on. This is a Mastercard so is accepted just about everywhere cards can be used. The card only has the money you put on to it, so if you lose your cards or they are stolen their is no chance of someone gaining access to your credit accounts or details. It is simplicity itself to add more funds to your card while on holiday or to cancel in case of issues and gain a refund of unused funds.

Fairfx offer several types of Card, the US Dollar and Euro cards which carry only that currency and the "anywhere" card which does what it says in its name.

The joys do not stop at this already useful service, for FairFX do what their name implies and give a really fair exchange rate that you will find hard to better on the high street or from their competitors. My recent travel exchange saw me benefit from an extra 180 dollars in comparison to the closest competitor, and nearly 340 dollars better than offered by my bank. I can also leave money on my card for future trips.

FairFX also offer a great travel currency service. Like their cards it is simple to use and comes with great exchange rates. The service sends cash to your door by next day delivery (Faster than the 3 days that my bank takes and I don't have to go to the counter to collect). The delivery charges are waived if you order over 100 pounds in cash, which means that for most people they will never see this extra charge. This level of service is to my mind unparalleled. It took me just 3 minutes to order my travel cash and the next day it was hand delivered to me by secure postage.

I really couldn't raecommend this service any more than I just have. I urge any frequent traveller or anyone who takes holidays abroad to sign up this service and get themselves some cards and cash secure in the knowledge they are getting a great service.

If anyone has feedback (and until we have a commenting system) please don't hesitate to email me at: m.keating [at], if your comments are useful, fun, or just plain interest to me, or if I think will be useful to others, then I will add them to the end of this post, let me know how you would like to be named (anon, nick etc.).


Mark Keating is: Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems Limited
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