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Ironman Challenge Badges

Behold for there are many of them...

Thu Sep 3 13:40:35 2009

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Iron Munger code is a-finally-a-mungering and all of us in this challenge can now view our badgery goodness

Ironman banner

So the Iron Munger code is a-finally-a-mungering and all of us in this challenge can now view our badgery goodness and declare status and make complaint if status be confusing or just plain wrong (I make no such claim myself but I have heard decided rumours from beneath the waves).

It has come to light though, that some of the competitors would like to adorn their pages with badges and to perhaps show the status of each blog post as it progresses, not their current status, they may also wish to use badges in places where a link would be innapropriate. Therefore as the creator of the graphics I have placed them all in a permanant directory on the Shadowcat site ( We will not move this, and if we do we will make sure there are proper re-directs so that all links will still work. Also the badges are displayed below if you wish to drag them to a desktop or link this article or copy and paste. You will note that at the end there is a series of special and alternative badges that you can use if you so wish :).

Use. Distribute. Show. Enjoy.

Paper Man
an ironman competition badge

Paper Woman
an ironman competition badge

Stone Man
an ironman competition badge

Stone Woman
an ironman competition badge

Bronze Man
an ironman competition badge

Bronze Woman
an ironman competition badge

Copper Man
an ironman competition badge

Copper Woman
an ironman competition badge

Iron Man
an ironman competition badge

Iron Woman
an ironman competition badge

Man of Steel
an ironman competition badge

Woman of Steel
an ironman competition badge

Specials and Fun Badges

Meta Man
an ironman competition badge

Meta Woman
an ironman competition badge

Modern Ironman
an ironman competition badge

an ironman competition badge

an ironman competition badge

(Please note that I assert my right as creator of these badges and if at all possible please credit me as such. If it isn't possible, looks silly, or you just don't want to then fair enough. Larger versions may be made available on request in writing but I reserve the right to set conditions on the use of those versions and any specific creditation. Images will be released under an appropriate licence at some point for the free usage by the community, but please respect this request until that time).

If anyone has feedback (and until we have a commenting system) please don't hesitate to email me at: m.keating [at], if your comments are useful, fun, or just plain interest to me, or if I think will be useful to others, then I will add them to the end of this post, let me know how you would like to be named (anon, nick etc.).


Mark Keating is: Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director and Secretary of Enlightened Perl Organisation
Co-Founder/Co-Leader of North-West England Perl Mongers
Work Blog: Mark Keating on Shadowcat
Perlesque Blog: Mark Keating on
Public Blog: Mark Keating on Vox
LinkedIn Profile: Mark Keating on LinkedIn
My Homepage: Mark Keating's Personal site