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Beer, Curry and Perlers

Sat Oct 23 21:01:35 2010

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talk then moved onto the technologies that we would be looking at for the hackday with Ian and I taking notes for the wiki

North West England Perl Mongers Homepage
Meeting Information
Hackday 2010 Page
Project Oyster Page
Why Aim so Low - Mark Keating's Blog
Oyster Project - Osfameron's blog
Ian Norton's blog on last year's Hackday

The North West England Perl Mongers met on Thursday 21 October at a Wetherspoons in the sunny city of Manchester to eat a curry, consume some boisterous beverages of choice and talk about the up-coming hackday.

The meeting went well, though we had an initial hiccup in that the pub was packed for the early part of the evening (no doubt from people enjoying the curry night special as we were) and so we had to split into two groups. This changed somewhere after eight of the o'clock and we were able to re-group and talk hackday.

Osfameron started the proceedings by giving an overview of the project (Oyster) that we will be treating as our main hackday project so that Grim and PerfDave who were not at the previous meeting where we presented the projects. Ian and I explained the situation regarding inviting other people to the hackday and some of the other projects we would be officially supporting such as PresentingPerl and Ironman. We also discusssed the use of EventWax for the Hackday organisation and a brief talk on the shape of the day.

Osfameron explaining Oyster

The talk then moved onto the technologies that we would be looking at for the hackday with Ian and I taking notes for the wiki (which should be updated in the interim) and some discussion on the preperation of the working environment that we will be using for the hackday.

Ian Norton takes notes for the wiki

Eventhough this was officially a social occasion we still managed to have a good chat on the upcoming hackday event and I think we all managed to raise good points. Hopefully we will have a clearer picture in the next few weeks of the shape of the day on the wiki and reported in the various blogs.

If anyone has feedback (and until we have a commenting system) please don't hesitate to email me at: m.keating [at], if your comments are useful, fun, or just plain interest to me, or if I think will be useful to others, then I will add them to the end of this post, let me know how you would like to be named (anon, nick etc.).


Mark Keating is: Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director and Secretary of Enlightened Perl Organisation
Co-Founder/Co-Leader of North-West England Perl Mongers
Work Blog: Mark Keating on Shadowcat
Perlesque Blog: Mark Keating on
Personal Site: Mark Keating
LinkedIn Profile: Mark Keating on LinkedIn