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Bring me the Head of Pingu

Lowering the Barrier for Fun to Happen

Thu Apr 11 15:20:00 2013

As you might be aware from my previous articles this weekend is the fifth Perl QA Hackathon which is being held in Lancaster.

As many of the delegates arrive they have to make their way to the Shadowcat Offices and then shown to the hotel once they are assembled. We thought it might be a little confusing as to which offices are ours so we came up with a novel, if somewhat jocular and childish, solution.

We hung Pingu, the North West England Perl mongers mascot, out of the window. We hung him by a proper noose made from CAT5 cable, as you have to do these things properly.

I think for this event we can forego the decorum and respectability and engage a little in the whimsy.

Pingu hanging from the window

Pingu hanging from the window

Pingu on his Jibbet

Pingu on his Jibbet